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DKT - Driver Knowledge Test FREE Practice!

Flash Card Set

learn driving rules, road signs, traffic regulations and other driving knowledge by using these flashcard set when preparing for your driver's licence exam. Click on the following topics to begin the journey of driving theory knowledge learning.

Topics Number of Flashcards Times Been Studied
01. Traffic Signs 48 9,539
02. Traffic Lights 16 5,864
03. Intersections 52 5,148
04. General Knowledge 78 5,035
05. Fatigue and Defensive Driving 24 4,658
06. Lanes 26 4,109
07. Speed Limits 13 4,082
08. Alcohol and Drugs 20 4,046
09. Negligent Driving 27 4,004
10. Seat Belts / Restraints 15 3,683
11. Pedestrians 28 3,611



Australia Driver Knowledge Test (DKT) Questions, Practice DKT Test online to prepare for Australia driving licence theory test.

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